Dr Roger Hugh ALISON

EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Pathology

Member of European College of Veterinary Pathologists

Contact: roger@rogeralison.com


In general, studies are read via a VPN on the Test Facility’s Provantis or Pristima system, under their SOPs and Quality Assurance. I also read studies on my own PathData software, using my own SOPs and Quality Assurance, and producing a stand-alone GLP compliant report.

I welcome Peer Review of my studies, which can either be done on my premises, at the client’s facility, or digitally.


Our typical turn-around times for a short-term study (40 control and high dose animals to be read) are three weeks to a first draft report.

For a 600 animal carcinogenicity study, our typical timeframe is four months.

Expedited reporting: where a study is time-critical we can reduce this to 1 week for a short-term study, and can provide a significant reduction in time for a carcinogenicity study with prior planning.


Due to long delays obtaining CITES licences for import and subsequent export of NHP slides, I now prefer to read non-UK studies at the client’s Test Facility.

Typical expedited turn-around time for an uncomplicated study read on-site is one week.